Goal: To develop an app that offers simple guides and videos to make everyday "adulting" easier.

Type: Mobile App

Responsibilities: Project Management, User Research, Prototype

Tools: Figma, Google Slides, Google Drive, Zoom, Slack, Otter

The Project

There are so many skills that you don't learn in school. How do you do your taxes? How do I organize my life? Wait, you have to wash your dishwasher?! Why can't you have one place where you can learn it all? Our users want the confidence and independence to navigate the adult world in a simple and organized way. Audlt-Tings is here to help.

The Problem

We have observed that many users lack confidence in their ability to learn fundamental life skills.

The Solution

We believe that provideing an online learning platform for newly independent adults is key to help connect users to life skills they may not have had the chance to learn growing up.

After conducting 5 user interviews, our team discovered that young adults feel there is no current solution that provides concise and easy to understand resources for learning about common tasks for independent living. They want to learn more about finances, cooking, and time management through experts instead of searching through the sea of social media where information/advice is not always verified as true.


Figma Prototypes